
We make every effort to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up-to-date. However, we cannot accept responsibility for any loss or inconvenience caused by reliance on inaccurate material contained in this site.

Links to other sites

Certain links, including hypertext links, in our site will take you outside our site.

Links are provided for your convenience and inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement or approval by Derbyshire County Council of the linked site, its operator or its content.

We are not responsible for the content of any website outside of our site.

Nutritional reports

The information provided in our nutritional reports is obtained via our suppliers/manufacturers product specifications or using McCance and Widdowson Composition of Foods database. Although every care has been taken to ensure the nutritional values and allergens are accurate several factors can affect the information, for example different cooking times, substitutions, production anomalies etc. Please be aware that menus may be changed by catering staff for operational reasons and consequently at very short notice. If this occurs we will be unable to communicate the changes to you.

The information provided has not been verified by a qualified dietician and therefore is not considered as nutritional advice.


All rights in the design, text, graphics and other material on our site and its selection or arrangement is copyright of Derbyshire County Council or other third parties.

Permission is granted to electronically copy and print material from our site for private or educational use, provided that no changes are made to the material and that Derbyshire County Council is acknowledged as the owner.

Any other use of the materials on our site without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited.

Should you require permission to use copyright material please contact us.